Genealogy of the Kesel family

If you look at the cartographic distribution of the family name Kesel, you will notice that this name occurs in many countries of the world. It is most common in Europe, in Germany and England, with the additions "de" and "van" in France and Belgium, and with the spelling "Kešel" in the Czech Republic. Members of this name can also be found in the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Belarius and many more.

It is therefore obvious to deal with the history, but above all with the origin of the members of one's own name. Starting from my hometown, the genealogy of the Kempten family is of course most important to me. But since another Kesel family, which I like to call the "Hilsbacher line", had its roots in the surrounding area of Kempten, I don't want to ignore them here.

While the Kesel in the USA are mainly the result of emigrants from Germany, the Kesels in Russia and Belarius seem to be possibly of Jewish origin. However, this is only an assumption, which is obvious due to the first names in the immigration documents of the USA or in the passenger lists.

While the Kesels in Belgium and France with the additions "de" and "van" have no connection with the Kesels I have in mind, at least until the 16th century, a trace seems to lead from Kempten to France during the Thirty Years' War, more precisely to Alsace in Colmar.

All in all, this is an interesting field of research that leaves many questions unanswered. So have fun browsing. Maybe one or the other can help to close gaps or give valuable hints. I am very happy about contacts.